Learn how to update your Bullfrog BF400 by watching an easy to follow video or by following the step-by-step instructions below.
The update files for the Bullfrog BF400 can be downloaded here: Bullfrog BF400 Update - v3.3.3
Bullfrog BF400 Update - v3.3.3
Bullfrog BF400 Update - v2.2.2
Step 1:
Using a computer, download both update files in one compressed file. Don’t forget to uncompress the 2 files before moving on.
Step 2:
Move the uncompressed files onto the root directory of a USB thumb drive. The thumb drive needs to be formatted as FAT32.
Step 3:
Remove the USB thumb drive from the computer and, with the power cord removed, plug the USB thumb drive into the USB port on the Bullfrog BF400.
Step 4:
Insert the power cord into the Bullfrog BF400.
Step 5:
Use a paper clip to press the reset button on the Bullfrog BF400.
Step 6:
The software update has started when the red and blue lights turn on at the same time.
The update may take up to 4 minutes to complete and is finished when the battery LEDs blink 2 times and the source LED stays solid blue.